and GOD [the FDS] said, of every tree [book], you may eat [read], but of the tree of knowledge [apostate literature] you may not eat [read] lest you shall die [be disfellowshipped]....
the dreamer dreaming
JoinedPosts by the dreamer dreaming
Opinion: Gnostic view of Jehovah
by feenx inhey all :)
so i've been reading up many things gnostic (i know, better late than never right?
) and when i read about their theory on jehovah my jaw just about dropped to the floor and i found it to be a very interesting and intriguing that in many ways made sense with how jehovah was/is portrayed by the jw's.
Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrates Thanksgiving
by Wordly Andre inevery year we (non-jw family) have thanksgiving at my grandma's house, all the jw family comes over on friday to eat left overs or take a plate home.
ok i think i've posted before on here about how thats a load of crap, it's still thanksgiving dinner no matter what.
i just heard that a family member who is the family jw nazi, is coming to my grandma's on thanksgiving day!!
the dreamer dreaming
When I was a JW, I used to tell people:
we, JW's do celebrate thanksgiving... everyday!
celebrating it once a year always eeemed a bit unthankful (^_^) -
NOAH's FLOOD vs Science ??
by Rabbit inok, well this formatting looks should taste the same tho'.
web address:.
the dreamer dreaming
not long ago discovery channel presented their best guess at the noah's flood myth origins and it seemed quite convincing.
Why Some Can't Understand
by writetoknow inif i love my children, i don't make them suffer.
why should god be any different?.
"you may participate in the divine nature" (2 peter 1:4).
the dreamer dreaming
what you call TRUTH is nothing blantant ignorance masquerading and reality. You obviously do not understand the first thing about what causes suffering and how a god as you believe your god to be could not possibily have such experiences. you also fail to see that such a god as you believe would be totally guilty of every crime he defines as such and unworthy of anything but contempt. your god sanctioned slavery, unequal treatment of women, murder for simply being homosexual, the slaughter of defenseless women and children without charge nor mercy. your god also murdered people without charge or trial, including Kind David's baby for no crime of his own. your god is presented as superior to all pagan gods, but suffers from all of their failings, namely anger, rage, murder, deception and promise breaking to name a few. in short what you call a christians changed view of things to make this all seem right is pure delusion.
The beautiful, beautiful 'Theory of Evolution'.
by nicolaou inamongst billions of galaxies each containing billions of stars with their families of planets, it only had to happen once - genesis.
not by the hand of god but through sheer statistical inevitability with, perhaps, some anthropic good luck thrown in.. from that point on there was no stopping it.
natural selection made best use of the variations that mutation threw up and billions of years later .
the dreamer dreaming
assuming there was a god who made all things...the how still seems to boil down to trial and error. the notion that an all knowing being just happens to exist complete with knowledge of things that have never even existed seems a stretch for even a believer, no? the stupid belief that god is outside of time and so knows every moment is another self defeating paradox as it gives no moment of creatorship as the universe was there before him eternally and so there never was any need to make it.
Don't Like the Biblical god? Consider believing in these instead...
by serotonin_wraith inso here's the problem.
you would like there to be a god, but you hope it's not the biblical one, as that one seems too mean.
well have you considered searching for one more to your liking?
the dreamer dreaming
I suspect beer had something to with the origin of Elohim as the word El in hebrew Aleph Lamed is pronounced like a dry heave more than anything else.
What Religion Do you Follow Now?
by luna14 ini am new to the site.
i wish i had known about it earlier, it would have avoided a lot of the guilty feelings i felt when i was df in 1998. it's so cool to see so many members.
anyway i wanted to ask what religion do you follow now that you are no longer a jw?
the dreamer dreaming
I am an ordained minister with the Universal Life church (^_^) the Beetles among others are/were also ordained members of my new religion which has only one commandment...
do what is right.
we believe everyone has the right and duty to find GOD [or themselves as GOD] at their own pace in their own way.
Ordination is free to all. -
Hating God?
by avidbiblereader ini cannot but read many of the posts in which god/jehovah or even christ is ridiculed, mocked and even hated?
so i ask the question why?.
what has god ever done to you personally?
the dreamer dreaming
I dont hate God, I am GOD (^_^). I do try to destroy the false statements and ideas floating about my collective dreamscape or universe.
1. GOD did not make GOD.
2. what has no beginning nor ending also has no purpose nor goal in any absolute sense.
3. you are all part of my dream... we do not exist independantly of each other.
4. hatred and other emotions are responses to imbalances of energies which are impossible to be without and still be a living entity.
try to remember:
1. it is always NOW.
2. NOW is perfect until you compare it to something it is not.
what can bother you once you see the perfection of each moment? -
God told me to
by bite me ini was thinking of something the other day.
i realized how much people can take the bible out of context.
sure, they use the bible but they teach it in an incorrect way.
the dreamer dreaming
that is exactly how trinitarians create their three headed god :-?
the dreamer dreaming
all the TV is on the web especially with torrentz and such...I am trying to convince the haus frau to drop cable tv, but not that strongly...